Inspire Peak High Fat Pellets

Mar 2023

Did you know the Inspire PEAK product family offers 2 new high fat pelleted horse feeds?

Inspire PEAK Secure contains 14% protein, 9% fat and 18% fiber. Inspire® PEAK™ Secure™ is formulated with a synergistic blend of calorie sources to meet the nutritional requirements for horses in various life stages especially when low starch and sugar is desired. The NSC for Inspire PEAK Secure is 15%.

Inspire PEAK Performance Amp contains 12% protein, 12% fat and 12% fiber. Inspire® PEAK™ Performance Amp™ is formulated with a synergistic blend of nutrient dense calorie sources to meet the elevated energy requirements of high-level equine athletes. Also ideal for horses when extra shine and condition is desired. The NSC for Inspire PEAK Performance Amp is 18%.